A girl should always be classy and fabulous

I love a more classical style, like our dear Coco Chanel has said "A girl should always be classy and fabulous", hence the title of this set, which is now my favourite one.
This dress has an amazing originality, from the side cut on the leg, to the quilling that give it a cuter look, and the upper side until the shoulder gives it a more formal style.

There's nothing better for strong willed woman but at the same time, a dreamer, thats what it means for me, and I'm sure you feel the same after you see these photos.

The hairstyle is one of the main touches to bring out the details of the dress, a long hair would take that effect away. Besides, it brings out my ears and the wonderful earrings I'm wearing, they're a bit on the simple side, but who said that simplicity wasn't a good thing?

You can find this dream set on the following links:

Earrings: (In world Store)

Have a nice day,
Candice Mendle


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